20 Things to do at Home

With COVID-19 rapidly spreading and more and more people on mandatory work from home policies, people are getting pretty bored being stuck in their houses. But, it’s not forever! Look at this as an opportunity to do all the things that you wouldn’t get to normally.


Read a book

There are not many activities out there that are as calming as reading a book. Some of my current favorites are The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates, The Jetsetters by Amanda Eyre Ward and City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Catch up on your favorite tv shows or start new ones

Nothing gives you guilt-free permission to binge your favorite TV shows like mandatory work from home policies. Some shows that I’ve been loving lately are Ugly Delicious, The Goop Lab and You.

Have a movie marathon

Got a spare 24 hours? Binge ALLLLLLL the Marvel movies on Disney+. Or if you’re feeling a little nostalgic like me, binge all the Disney classics!

Write blog posts or start a blog

There’s never been a better time to write up a bunch of blog posts to distribute at a later date - especially if you’re a travel blogger. Think about the types of content that people will want to read when we are all welcomed back to travel.


With all of the health concerns over eating out and restaurants closing down, this is a really great time to experiment in the kitchen. Instagram and Pinterest both serve as really great inspiration for cooking and baking.

Create social media content

Now is the time to create batch content to be released later. Although Instagram is a little more difficult, Pinterest, Youtube and TikTok are all platforms that are more conducive to creating content while you’re at home.

Play card games

Cards Against Humanity, What Do You Meme and Uno are some of my favorites.

Online games

Online games like Drawful, Patently Stupid and You Don’t Know Jack are fun and interactive because you play with your phone, television and other players. Check out Jackbox Games for more.


Honestly, when have you ever dedicated the time to meditate until now? Take this time to connect with your mind and body and soul in a time when we need it most.

Deep clean your house

If you look at this time like a mandated spring cleaning, it seems a lot less daunting. Everything needs to be bleached and clorox-wiped anyway - might as well end up with a clean house!

Learn a new skill

We now have the opportunity to learn so many new things for free with sites like Youtube. Learn to play the guitar, get proficient in SEO or crochet.

Sleep in

Now is the time to turn off that 5:30 AM alarm! Get some extra rest, you deserve it.


This is one of my favorite exercises. Write down things that you’re grateful for, draw, map out business plans - the sky is the limit with this one.

Do home workouts

This is not something that I will be doing but for all you fab fit folks out there - you can still get your workout in without going to the gym. Youtube has a great selection of free exercises from yoga to zumba to dance.

Find a DIY project and actually do it

This is the time to do that thing that you’ve been putting off! Put up those shelves, create a hanging garden or find a creative way to store all of your spices.

Make a bucketlist

This will not go on forever and when it’s over, we will all want to get back out there and keep living our lives. What will you do once this is over?

FaceTime of Skype your friends & family

We all want to feel a little less lonely when we’re stuck at home. An easy way to feel connected to the outside world is to keep in touch with friends and family.


I have been looking for a new pair of jeans for ages but haven’t really had the time to look around or do any research. Take this time to look around online for items that you’ve been meaning to buy or just browse.


There has never been a better time to really invest in taking care of yourself. I’m talking turn that phone off, put on a face mask and take a long bubble bath.

Find other creators to follow

Now is an amazing time to discover new chefs, authors, podcasters, artists, etc. Some of my favorites right now are the podcast Getting Curious by Jonathan Van Ness, chef David Chang of Momofuku and vegan foodie influencer Tabitha Brown.



Stay safe and wash those hands,
